Second Logic School
helds a series of two-days training seminars on Second Logic for everybody.

  Banner - Second Logic. Seminars Author: Klein

Klein, what is it - Е?

There is such formula: Е = mc2 (E equals M by square C). Obtained by Einstain. "E" — is total energy. "М" — object's mass. "C" is the speed of light (186.000 miles per second). «Square» — means «in the second power». The formula means that after complete transformation of some piece of matter into field total energy "Е", which will emerge equals:
Е = mc2 
That's the maximum! The most complete energy contained in matter! The limit of energy for piece of matter! So, formula of total energy of human is:
Е = S2L
That's very similar to result, obtained sometime by Einstain. And in general that's about the same matter! Hi!

Topics of Second Logic training seminars.
  • What is the «logic»? Second logic and formal logic: similarity and difference. Basic logic of mind. Basic principles of Second Logic.
  • Energy of processes. Energy of people's group. Second Logic and human's energy. Energy and Magic. Local and non-local interference.
  • Historical aspects of Second Logic: Zen, Chan, Buddha's doctrine, Socrat, K. Marx. Speculative and existential phylosophy. The Sixth Patriarch Sutra.
  • Doctrine about boundaries of processes and phenomena consideration. Proper setting of consideration boundaries. Second Logic and development of 18.000 personal abilities. Multilevel self-development. Meditation.
  • Models and boundaries. Analogies. Information picture. Reality and virtualization. Situations and problems. Opinions. Mind imprints. Awareness. Awakening.
  • Action as an «anchor» for boundaries setting and as a basis of understanding. Strategy and strategist. Management, upaya. «Processing» models. Meditation in action.

There will be held 12 Second Logic training seminars altogether:

  • 1st seminar — from 17 to 19 September 2004 
  • 2nd seminar — from 22 to 24 October 2004 
  • 3rd seminar — from 19 to 21 November 2004 
  • 4th seminar — from 17 to 19 December 2004 
  • 5th seminar — from 21 to 23 January 2005 
  • 6th seminar — from 18 to 20 February 2005 
  • 7th seminar — from 18 to 20 March 2005 
  • 8th seminar — from 15 to 17 April 2005 
  • 9th seminar — from 20 to 22 May 2005 
  • 10th seminar — from 17 to 19 June 2005 
  • 11th seminar — from 15 to 17 July 2005 
  • 12th seminar — from 19 to 21 August 2005 


Russia, Moscow, out-of-town camp centre "Zvonkije Golosa" near village Chaykovsky.

Beginning: in 3.00 PM Friday
Closing: in 3.00 PM Sunday

Instructor: Klein,
For additional information contact to Belka,


What is useful to read.

What is the Second Logic? by Klein


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Moscow Apartments