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Re: vika zelyuk wants to chat
Ребята, это сообщение было выслано случайно!!
Вика ЛесЛотус.
On Jan 29, 2008 2:30 PM, vika zelyuk <viktoriyazelyuk@gmail.com> wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> vika zelyuk wants to stay in better touch using some of Google's coolest new
> products.
> If you already have Gmail or Google Talk, visit:
> http://mail.google.com/mail/b-214fec5205-dce9bb311a-19e10d5b4e97bfe3
> You'll need to click this link to be able to chat with vika zelyuk.
> To get Gmail - a free email account from Google with over 2,800 megabytes of
> storage - and chat with vika zelyuk, visit:
> http://mail.google.com/mail/a-214fec5205-dce9bb311a-b6e59367e6
> Gmail offers:
> - Instant messaging right inside Gmail
> - Powerful spam protection
> - Built-in search for finding your messages and a helpful way of organizing
> emails into "conversations"
> - No pop-up ads or untargeted banners - just text ads and related information
> that are relevant to the content of your messages
> All this, and its yours for free. But wait, there's more! By opening a Gmail
> account, you also get access to Google Talk, Google's instant messaging
> service:
> http://www.google.com/talk/
> Google Talk offers:
> - Web-based chat that you can use anywhere, without a download
> - A contact list that's synchronized with your Gmail account
> - Free, high quality PC-to-PC voice calls when you download the Google Talk
> client
> Gmail and Google Talk are still in beta. We're working hard to add new features
> and make improvements, so we might also ask for your comments and suggestions
> periodically. We appreciate your help in making our products even better!
> Thanks,
> The Google Team
> To learn more about Gmail and Google Talk, visit:
> http://mail.google.com/mail/help/about.html
> http://www.google.com/talk/about.html
> (If clicking the URLs in this message does not work, copy and paste them into
> the address bar of your browser).
Viktoriya Zelyuk
tel.: +380634912286
e-mail: viktoriyazelyuk@gmail.com
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